Vital Stats of a Poet

Thanks to sci fi writer and former high school classmate, David Williams, for this meme on his author blog.

David (see above) wrote on his blog that the meme below was making the rounds in the San Francisco blogosphere. I decided to import (and revise, of course!) it over here in the poetry blogosphere. Come on bloggers. I invite Mary Biddinger, Charles Jensen, Kelli Agodon, and Eduardo Corral to play. I’d invite more, but I’m tired of pasting in all the links. =-)

If you decide to fill it out and post it on your blog, please post the link in the comments.

Age when I decided I wanted to be a writer: 8
Age when I wrote my first short story: 19
Age when I first got my hands on a good word processor: 22
Age when I first submitted a short story to a magazine: Never
Rejections prior to first short story sale: Never made a short story sale.
Age when I sold my first short story: See above.
Approximate number of short stories sold: Approximately zero.
Age when I first sold a poem: 23? 24?
Poems sold: I have no clue how many poems. (I think a novelist wrote this meme.)
Year I first published a book: 2009
Books published or delivered and in the pipeline: 2
Number of titles in print: 0. Soon to be one.
Age now: What poet wants to share their age?