Seven of My Favorite Poetry Blogs

  1. Reb Livingston — Let’s face it. I’m never going to curse as much as Reb. That doesn’t mean I don’t like to hear someone else with a judicious use of cursing go at it. Her blog reminds of an internet marketing blog I occasionally read: Sugarrae.
  2. Eduardo Corral — He’s probably sick of me, fan that I am of his blogging. He writes a lot of small tidbits — most of them interesting — about poetry, poetry book contests, poems he likes, and random articles.
  3. Sandra Beasley — I visit here to see if she’s posted any of her new work. I also like the poems she posts by other people. Good taste on this blog.
  4. Steve Schroeder — Like Eduardo, he often publishes a number of small tidbits. SS also posts his poem drafts, and it’s interesting to see the process.
  5. Mary Biddinger — She actually takes the time to post photos, and I like to see Ohio in winter. Mary, you have a moody photo on your blog, which is a whole ‘nother you. I like this blog. Like me, Mary is an editor, a mother, and a poet. Not an easy balance.
  6. Kelli Agodon — Her blog is about more than poetry. It’s a good mix of posts broaching the spiritual, compassion, poetry and thoughtfulness all in one. If you’re interested in gratitude, personal development, art, poetry, or being in the present moment, this is a blog for you.
  7. Jeannine Hall Gailey — I’ve been remiss in not reading this blog lately (haven’t read many poetry blogs as of late) but this is one of my favorites because the subjects cover a wide range of things that interest me. JHG is a bit of a computer geek (like me) and runs her own biz (like me) and writes poetry (like me). Plus, she’s a cool and generous person.

I wish I could list every blog in my blogroll. These are probably the seven I’ve read for the longest period of time — from back when I did not even know what a “poetry blogosphere” is.